Over the past few years I have been involved in several theatrical productions as a stage manager or a stage management consultant. These productions have been in several theatres over Southampton or outdoors over a large area. Below are 2 companies that I have worked closely with over the last few years.
E-Quip Arts:
E-Quip Arts is a fantastic organisation that uses performing arts to engage different communities within the Southampton area. It uses the arts to give people opportunities they may not normally have to express themselves and explore different skills and gain confidence.
With E-Quip I have stage managed The Southampton Passion and the Southampton Nativity. The Southampton Passion was a one off outdoor production in the Southampton Arts Quarter. The show was put over 3 stages of varying sizes. Both productions were musicals with the music being released on CD afterwards.
For more information on E-Quip arts please visit http://www.e-quiparts.org.uk/
Southampton Operatic Society.
Southampton Operatic Society (SOS) has been doing musical shows for nearly 100 years. I have been one of their stage managers for 18 months. Each show has a run of about a week. I also assist with props and scene changes during the show if they are short of ASM’s or stage hands. I am also a stage manager consultant with them when I am unable to stage manage their show. This involves being on call to answer queries from the stage management team and producer.
For more information on SOS please visit http://www.sotonopera.org/index.php
Below are a few theatre shows I have worked on:
All Theatre Photography by Paul Dawson-Plincke; http://www.pdp.photography